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2024 BouDIY® Live Event  Schedule


 Join Alaynna of GlamMarr® Studios as she draws upon 20 years of experience in the boudoir industry to guide you through game changing topics you won't find anywhere else!

Upcoming Live Events:


September 23, 20024

Lighting Any Space Cinematically part 2 {Studio Edition}


Join me live as I critique BouDIY® members studio spaces and give tips and tricks to help them to create a space with a more cinematic vibe! We’ll cover key elements that make your sets truly POP, using simple tweaks to work with what you’ve got and take your space to the next level! 


Past Events:

September 9th, 2024

Lighting ANY Space Cinematically:

Wish your space was less drab and more FAB!? Hold on to your horses, I'm about to spill the tea on 5 Game changing tips that will transform your space into something straight out of a movie set... Well, at least it will look like it in photos!

Available Now!



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